Dulcinea's 100th Monkey
717 East Colfax Avenue
Denver, CO 80203
Denver County
Phone: (303) 832-3601
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Dulcinea's 100th Monkey - About Us
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by David Donatelli on
The beer is expensive, but the location can't be beat. Located on the Hudson River, this boat-turned-restaurant has a lot of great food and is great for groups. I wouldn't call it an everyday kind of restaurant, but when you're in the area, hop on by and see what the buzz is all about. FOOD/DRINK: The food is definitely the positive here, with drinks expensive and watered down. Bring your own beer (Corona, remember) and "pretend" you ordered it downstairs. SERVICE: Decent. It's a bige boat, and there are a lot of people to serve, but they keep it moving. All in all, a fun "destination dining" experience. Go with a group, get liquored up, then go to Chelsea Piers for bowling.
by Illi G. on
Friday July 24th we were out celebrating my sisters birthday. I lost my phone, my i.d and my olympus camera in one of the downstairs restrooms. I am desperately trying to use all my resources to retrieve my items. I have an ad up on craigslist if you would like more information. I am planning on visiting them tonight, I will repost with the results. Wish me luck! http://austin.craigsli...
by Korey Tiotuico on
HATERZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.... no really. I mean this place is in a rough spot, yeah. It does get hot, yeah. I have smelled a funk or two, yeah.... but all in all, it goes down! I like this place. I've been twice on a party bus and 2 or 3 times just kicking like you sposed to. Everytime I have gone there are plenty of women and the majority of them are just there to have a good time. I mean, that's what the club is for right? Have a good time people! If you aint feeling the party, make your own! Also, how you gone complain about people dancing and it being crowded?! Its a club!!!! Go to a lounge with all that. What it comes down to is, I have a good time here everytime I go. Plenty of ladies in nice dresses looking sexy as they wanna, good drinks, good music, and a good time. So get your heads out your bum bums and shake that thing!
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