Durango Bar
923 South State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Salt Lake County
Phone: (801) 532-8964
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Earl Brownle on
Checked it out on opening week. The different thing about this club was the personal bar that each table gets on the side. You can make your own drinks or a cocktail waitress will keep em coming for you. Same as each club - strict door, mostly pretty well-dressed girls, tons of douchebags in blazers, top 40 music, etc. etc. I can't be too enthused about this club or any club for that matter. Once you've been to one, you've been to them all. They follow the same formula. Past this phase already....
by Whitney Arbo on
Decent club. It seems like it's a hotspot for the Asians because when we went on Friday night, the line was neverending from both ends. I'm glad I didn't have to wait or pay to get into this place. You have to go through several people before you can go downstairs into the main room of the club. Tables are scattered everywhere including the dancefloor. If you want to dance, make your way literally to the front of the stage. That's the only spot where you can dance freely and not have to worry about running into any tables. There were a variety of Asians that night. And by variety I mean douchey ones, fobby ones, etc. The bartenders are hella nice. Aaron was the guy that poured my drinks throughout the night and he made them stiff as hell. Not only that but he was such a nice guy. If you can, get your drinks from him! I was literally butt plastered by the end of the night. Smokers beware! if you decide to go outside to drink you'll have to walk all the way around and go back into the club from the front. I'm not sure why they thought it was necessary but you know bouncers like to power trip whenever they can. Whoever thought it was a good idea to make drunk people walk down a flight of stairs is beyond me.
by Xander A. on
This is a review for the ROCKIT gay party on Fridays... Guys, this is apparently the place to be since the gay mafia has declared it so since March of 09 (poor mister black has suffered). It's pretty much your Chelsea-types, models, actors, fashionistas, scenesters, all looking fabulous. But you have a good amount of sweaty dancing in the back so it's a good mix. The DJ plays all the hits, no obscure house you won't recognize, thank god. Warning: There is "crowd control" at the door. Some glammed up queen was telling guys they couln't get in because they weren't wearing the right shoes and shorts! Oh, man - when I see that it makes me mad because eventually when the next best thing comes along they will regret turning people away. Notice how HIRO Sundays never turns people away at their door regardless of how they look, and they're still going strong for what is it now? 6 years? But other than that, there are a lot of hotties waiting to get down and dirty. Check it out.
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