Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
208 West University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601
Alachua County
Phone: (352) 374-9567
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
Durty Nelly's Irish Pub - About Us
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by Brian T. on
I've been to Ruby countless times now, and while I probably wouldn't normally admit it, I do think the place is worthy of 4 stars. Sure the crowd can sometimes get a little weird, but honestly -- This is the only place where I consistently see DJs I like: Kaskade, Wolfgang Gartner, Dirty South, just to name a few. Please don't hate on a club just because you can't take the time to look up a calendar beforehand to find out who's playing. Some of the decor's starting to get a little dated, but I like how they're actively working to improve the place. They recently installed a new lcd display on the main stage, and they even added a house room in the back (used to be smoking area) where people can freestyle.
by Katy A. on
it's really really hard to give bad reviews of a place...because you really want to like it...you do...and when you have to let others know that you didn't than you know it's bad. I used to go to the Jillian's in Boston with my peeps and loved it...it was fun and low-key and we always had a blast... so when the Jillian's in SF failed me...I was bummin'...sad times. The bartenders were rude...took FOREVER to get waited on and the people that hang at this joint are NOT my people... sad times...sad times. Not going back. Suggestions to this place... get friendly wait staff who will let their friendly friends chill here and bring in a new crowd.
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