Dutch Goose Sports Bar & Grill
3203 Southwest 10th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66604
Shawnee County
Phone: (785) 357-8474
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Phyllis Mattison on
In my normal life, I am an unpresuming lawyer.  Bookish, friendly, earnest.  Neither scenester nor hipster, no frequenter of clubs, after-hours spots, or the like.  The kind of person you ask to look after your dog, because you know he'll be home reliably and at reasonable hours of the day. But variety is the spice of life.  And I tend to liberally spice my life, indigestion notwithstanding.  And so it was that I and 25 good friends descended on G on a Thursday night, and it was magical to see the rope go up and the stairs go down, to watch water fall down sheets of glass with blue backlighting.  And if reports the next day suggested that I spent 15 minutes dancing with a waitress named Jillian, who was clad in only a black corset and a wide smile, who shunned all previous attempts by a bevy of leering club patrons, then I can only presume they must have it right. The close of the night brought a formal end to my formal leadership of this particular group, and as we staggered towards an after-hours club in the wee hours of Friday morning, I attempted to pass along to my successor the secret to leadership of this previous group, as it had been passed along to me by my predecessor: you need only show up better dressed than everyone else, drink more, laugh louder, be funnier, stay out later, then show up the next morning earlier, and still better dressed, and showing no ill effects whatsoever, and if you can do that, your authority is assured. Also: what sort of an idiot follows a snifter of Grand Marnier with a round of kamikaze shots?  What was I thinking?
by Virginia Eddinger on
Knew people who work here by coming a lot, use to come a lot any way...  from bartender, manager to security. During the day, they have awesome breakfast, coffee cakes, and nice coffee. After 5pm, cocktails, wines, bar food and dinner, they have everything! Oh, and free Wi-fi. Love this part a lot. Good spot for working at home or just hanging out. Came there another day for a party, memory flash came back immediately, all good! Only problem I think, maybe some bartender's cocktail drinks, not tasty enough. Anyway, yay, I'm a fan.
by Stephanie L. on
On our way to the hotel, we asked for a restaurant that served authentic Cuban food. The taxi driver recommended Mango's and we headed over there for an early dinner the following day. When we approached the restaurant, we heard loud music and saw these women in scantily clad outfits--one girl was literally in a bra, a thong, and a set of suspenders that were attached to her thong. Most of the girls had these one piece tight suit thingies on. Some of them danced on top of the bar on the first floor. Our dinner was so good! I ordered the Shrimp Al-Ajillo while my friend got the Chicken Al-Ajillo. The seasoning, the sauce, all of it, was really amazing. The rice was cooked perfectly, and the plantains had the best texture and flavoring. At one point three guys got up onto the bar and started to do a choreographed dance routine which included a number of pelvic thrusts and gyrations. Women started dashing onto the dance floor to get a closer view of the show and the flashes were going off nonstop. Everyone was really friendly and nice, and we had a great time! Side note: If anyone watched the new season of American Gladiators, Militia (Alex Castro), actually got started working at Mango's. Now that the show is over, he is back there again--kinda cool!
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