Eagle PDX
1300 West Burnside Street
Portland, OR 97209
Multnomah County
Phone: (503) 241-0105
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Joshua Schweiger on
The Frying Pan is a boat that was sunk for quite awhile and was dredged up and dried out and now is the most wonderfully unsafe and scenic spot to bob on the Hudson River and knock down a few. It's an especially great place to bring friends from out of town. And go soon, since it's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
by Rob D. on
This was a crazy fun club and I'm glad they took over the old Roxy hole. It's hard to describe a typical Royale experience because there is none. Everything about the place is grand from the large stair entrance to the odd suits of armor. The dance floor is a good size and overlooked by a stage like dance floor. The bar is fast and talented which is unusual at most busy clubs. You'll see people in bunny costumes walking around and yea it's confusing, but I've imagined crazier things on a night out :) The DJ who turned the night I was here was the best I've heard in Boston. Major Kudos. Drinks are typical club prices so dont expect a cheap night, but if you are down for a good crowd of attractive people getting their dance on then hit up Royale
by Michale Bienfang on
Do not use this venue.  We held an event there in August.  We are going into the third month of non-payment on our agreed upon percentage from the bar.  They are no longer responding to any coorespondence. They did not provide the security staff and other promised items we had in a written contract.  The drinks were very expensive and the furniture that was in everyone's way was falling apart.  The bartenders were wonderful that's why I'm willing to give them one star. They wanted us to do more events there because we market to over 3200 members but not paying on their outstanding invoice and now ignoring us is completely unprofessional.  I will gladly adjust this feedback once we get paid.  I'll keep you updated!
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