Eagles Nest
4800 Curtis Av
Baltimore, MD 21240
Anne Arundel County
Phone: (410) 354-2590
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Lacy Taschler on
Dive atmosphere at vegas prices...plus the promoters give 4 & 5 star reviews on rateclubs?  Shady.
by Lisa G. on
One of the worst experiences ever.  Horrible food in ridiculously small portions.  If I order the snapper, wait staff MIGHT want to tell me it comes as a whole fish, eyes and all.  We are not in Chinatown people. Went out to patio after dinner only to be kicked out of our spot because evidently patio spaces are also sold.  That's right, a wide open, unsecluded patio.  No signs, no warning, just told we needed to move because someone had BOUGHT this space on the patio. I give this place two years, MAX.  And I for one will applaud the day they close.  Trust me, it won't be long.
by Dwight Hartin on
Walking through the half door you are greeted by a friendly doorman checking IDs. As you look around to get your bearings you find on the right hand side of the narrow room a shuffle board table and to the left a bar that follows you as you walk deeper into the establishment. It then opens up in the back to a nice patio.  Poor tenants up stairs.  You can see the reminisce of the street in the back by the over hanging street light in the closed off patio.  Peering through the glass of the room to the left a shiny drum kit gleams.  Leads me to believe they have music venues here.  Poor tenants up stairs. A good mix of people even though this is listed as a gay bar.  Regardless, the tenants misfortune is your happiness.  ;)  Poor tenants upstairs.
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