84 Orchard St
Newark, NJ 07108
Essex County
Phone: (973) 242-3942
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by P R. on
Trudy's is great for late night drinks because it's in the UT area. I like the cheap margaritas. I do not find the food particularly unique or special. The food will suffice for a night of drinking though. I also like it that they will bring you a bowl of olives for the margaritas and martinis. This place is especially good for groups. Every time I've visited Trudy's I've gone with a group of friends for drinks and food.
by Rickey Wilsey on
If there was a zero star option..THEY WOULD DEFINITELY DESERVE IT. I went to Ecco on a Thursday night for my two of my girlfriends' birthday. At first it was cool until I wanted to buy a drink at the bar.  This female bartender cards me (you already get carded at the door because it's 21+) and says, "I'm sorry hunny, this isn't you." WTF!? Are you kidding me? She gives my ID to the head bouncer and he then CONFIRMS that it IS me.  Of course she's all apologetic (and feels extremely stupid) and eventually gives me my drink. Not only that, security walks around carding people while they were dancing! How annoying is that! Isn't checking IDs at the door enough? I swear I was at an 18+ club. And another annoying thing is that they only let 4 people in the restroom at a time! And the lady that works in the restroom RUSHES you to do your business! WHO HAS RULES LIKE THAT? Really rude if you ask me. I STRONGLY ADVISE EVERYONE TO NOT GO HERE!!
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