Eddies Bar
8226 East Bannister Road
Kansas City, MO 64134
Jackson County
Phone: (816) 761-1767
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Ahmed Dooley on
I love my boyfriend!!!!  If I could write a review about him I would, but I can't so for right now I'm going to write about the place he decided to have my bday dinner.  My boyfriend and I were brain storming about a place to go for my birthday.  He told me how he had gone here for his cousin's bday and how the chicken mole was very good, but quote, "not as good as your tia's" (my tia makes kick ass mole).  I agreed and made this my official bday place.  He emailed the posse and we were off. I walked in and was entranced with the wonderful latin decor.  It was so cool.  What caught my eye was the dancing marionettes dancing above the left side of the bar - very cool!  I ordered their Velvet Margarita which is served in a pineapple - so delicious.  All plates are $16; nothing more, nothing less.   I ordered the salmon because I knew that my boyfriend would order the mole and I would pick off his plate.  My big plate was filled with wonderful goodness.  The salmon was tasty and the rice was delicious.  As planned, I tried some of my boyfriend's chicken mole and it was good, not as good as my tia's, but close. The time came when my friends embarrass me and get the wait staff to sing happy birthday to me.  My "birthday cake" was really birthday empanadas filled with apples topped with vanilla ice cream.  As full as I was, I was able to scarff down two of those suckers because they were so yummy.  Overall, it was a very good choice to celebrate my bday.
by Jonah Beckstrand on
Huge venue! Like the logo of the name and all the artwork on the walls.  I went to the one in New York and it doesn't have the low ceilings which gives the room a different feel.  The lounge is a fun place to hang out because the seating area has room to dance on top of the booths.  The only thing that needs some help is the patio. I talked to the door guy and he said that they would be remodeling it shortly.
by Christina Y. on
I went early on a Saturday night since we were coming from a BBQ. It was pretty quiet with soccer on the flat screens (David Beckham's big debut). Apparently it's a popular bachelorette spot since there were at least 2 large parties there. Minus the needless screaming, the drinks were good, the music was awesome and totally random (how often do you hear ace of base at a bar??) which made it that more fun. It got pretty crowded at the end and since it is pretty dark, it looked like there were a lot of 'connections' being made. We took off as soon as you couldn't really move without touching someone else. Overall, the place was a ton of fun, better than bars in faneuil. At least it wasn't a meat market.
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