Effie's Lounge
933 North 2nd Street
Memphis, TN 38107
Shelby County
Phone: (901) 529-9239
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Hours: unknown
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by Keena Pracht on
Great place!!!  What a wonderful date place. Live real alligators that look dead!  Food that costs about $5.00 for $50.00 and you have to cook it yourself!  Genius!  But with friends and about 12 bottles of wine - it rocks. Fun fun time.  Great date place.  Lots of things to look at everywhere.  There is a real priate ship (well I think someone said from a movie set) in the middle of the place.  And a barber shop display near the restrooms down stairs.  Why?  I have no idea. Cool urinals that go all the way to the ground - old school. Dante is kind of a jerk - he's old and likes money and pretends to like customers.  :O)
by Danette Kotzen on
I just checked in and have to say I am very happy with this hotel and my room. The promoters who booked me to play Cinespace tonight are really taking care of me. Thanks Karie  :)
by Joe T. on
The walkthrough: Starting at the front entrance by the cabby drop off area - Entrance No cover, short or quick line... Cruise quickly by the outside bar through the double doors. All the smokers congregate there so I don't particularly care for that area.  Make your way through the one man band that's usually playing in this very tight snip snap area.  This is the worst part of EA.  It's extremely cramped and you have to rub shoulders with every dude gawking at the 3-5 girls trying to dance in the window to a live cover.  I wish people would not dance in there.  Go upstairs for that. - Fountain area This is my favorite part of East Andrews.  It's open and somewhat lit so you can actually see people.  Women tend to be a lot nicer when they are outside so if you're up for a conversation and possibly an exchange of digits I'd say mingle outside. - Indoor bar #2 At best, I wouldn't go in here unless the outside bar is too crowded to get a drink.  I notice a lot of people like to circle through the bar and make rounds to try to meet people.  Stand in one spot and watch how many times people walk through this indoor area.  People are just trolling to find someone.  I know meeting a significant other is great, but there are limits! - Outdoor bar opposite of indoor bar #2 This is the fratty area.  These kids look so ridiculous.  Listen, I wear polos and khakis when I want to look nice, but for almost ever single person in this area to be dressed 95% identical to their fellow man is a bit awkward in my eyes.  These guys are interesting subjects I must say.  I won't label them as anything but a flock of birds who drink a bit too much (can see their bellys) but I'd say this area is quite weird so I can not recommend hanging over on this side.  Just watch from the opposite side of the fountain.  It's mostly college looking kids on break from school.  No thanks. - Upstairs Way too loud, music is not that good.  Quality of women go WAY down. $10 cover charge.  No thanks All in all, the only good thing East Andrews has going for it is the outdoor area by the fountain OPPOSITE of the fratty area. Happy hunting Joe
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