El Costeno
329 Polo Road
Winston Salem, NC 27105
Forsyth County
Phone: (336) 896-1611
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Oralia Kihlstrom on
Great spacing and fast, knowledgeable bartenders are what Avalon has going for it. House/trance music on Saturday is not my thing.  I need variety.  I just can't get into that genre, it just sounds like one song being remixed over and over.  Every so often, the DJ will play a "song" with words.  Amazing. Trance you later...
by Florinda Choo on
Great place!!! What a wonderful date place. Live real alligators that look dead! Food that costs about $5.00 for $50.00 and you have to cook it yourself! Genius! But with friends and about 12 bottles of wine - it rocks. Fun fun time. Great date place. Lots of things to look at everywhere. There is a real priate ship (well I think someone said from a movie set) in the middle of the place. And a barber shop display near the restrooms down stairs. Why? I have no idea. Cool urinals that go all the way to the ground - old school. Dante is kind of a jerk - he's old and likes money and pretends to like customers. :O)
by Joe M. on
THis was one of the first places I ate when I moved to Philly. It was a late nite and I picked it on a whim to treat my wife to our late anniversary dinner. It was a great meal. We got the clams which was delicious, because we licked the dish clean. THen we got I think the mushroom with blue cheese, which again was really good, and we settled down with, well, hahaha, i can't remember with our pasta but it was really good. definitely recommend it.
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