El Tucanaso
6203 Cherry Av
Long Beach, CA 90805
Los Angeles County
Phone: (562) 984-7050
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Jasmin F. on
Ok...so the only real, real issue with Infusion which really makes me want to give this place a 3 stars, are their rude bouncer guys and the ridiculous wait time (you'll wait about an hour on a good day). Let me just start off with saying that I have probably never waited in a lounge or club line in my life. I have a lot of friends in the industry and my boyfriend is part of the group that really started it all in SF. So when I learn that Infusion actually makes me WAIT...I'm already turned off from the get go. (I've only been walked in twice. the other 3 I waited about an hour and a half!) Their jersey shore douche bag lookalike bouncers do not help the cause. They are super rude and borderline racist. I swear the only girls they pick out in line are the blond ones! Er...or maybe I'm biased because "waiting" is not really in my vocabulary. Who knows? Anyway, once you get in, it's all uphill from there. The decor, the fire blowers, gymnasts hanging from the ceiling, hot go-go dancers (the cutest in the city for sure), and their dope DJs definitely make up for the long wait and bouncer service (or lack their of). Infusion is still on the list as one of my favs.
by Annie T. on
Lovely space. Front door guy was a little aloof and LA, but whatever. Bartenders downstairs were friendly. Bartenders upstairs (the tall hot blonde ones) were more interested in getting hit on than serving drinks and getting a good tip for actual service. Music was awesome. Great DJ last night. :) I knocked them a star because they don't carry Fernet on the shelf. What kind of full service bar is this place, anyway? Get with the program - Fernet is making a comeback baby!
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