Electric Blue Cafe
62 Merrow Road
Tolland, CT 06084
Tolland County
Phone: (860) 870-7710
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Me on
who was the girl that ripped you off?
by oak on
hat was the name of the girl who took your wallet?
by Me on
Was robbed of my wallet and management blew it off saying I was making it up. Poorly run and dirty.
by oak on
I saw this hot little one I think her name was tiffany, can any one tell me more about her?
by bobby c on
my favorite strip club brazilians, venezuleans, colombians are best get a good feel up
by Brian P. on
This place is amazing. From the drive to get there, to the parking lot the second you open the car door, to the time you walk in and see the decor and the heat from the open pit bbq inside the restaurant. It's amazing. Its about 40 minutes from downtown i guess. Its out in the middle of no mans land. I had it all. Beef brisquet, sausage, ribs, chicken, beans, bread.... you name it, I ate it. It wrecked me for sure. I must have walked about 20 miles over three days so it balanced. Its not like a normal restaurant. Its a trip of a place. Coming from California where everyone thinks a good smoke house is Wood Ranch, you are in for a real treat. If you are in Austin and you dont make the drive here. You shorted yourself on the Austin experiance in my opinion.
by Tom on
Great place for fun. Girls are anxious to please. Champaign room is expensive but can be worth it ask for Alia and you won' be disappointed!
by Sherika Binegar on
I went here a few months ago and had an awesome time. Even though I left my glasses home and couldn't see the stage over the gazelle like models' heads, the gasps and guffaws from the audience was testimony to how awesome the burlesque show was. (I think there's a show at midnight and 2 - check that - and then the stage and bar turns into a dance club). The M.C. does it up Alan Cumming "Cabaret" style and the show had everything from fire eaters, gymnists, trannies sitting on vodka bottles, the works.  Pregame at home because the drinks are definitely expensive. The atmosphere is awesome, with a 1920's French feel and boxes on the 2nd floor from which rich i-bankers can watch the show. Also, you're not gonna get in unless you have a bevy of beautiful couture-clad women with you.  Ladies were free, guys were $30.  Since we weren't on a list and didn't have any connections, we had to wait like an hour to actually get in.  It was uber annoying to see limos pull up and have pretentious French speaking elitists go in ahead of us.  (Pretty worth it though). SEEN ON:  "Gossip Girl." While this is not confirmed, I believe that the bar Victrola, purchased by Chuck Bass in the teen drama "Gossip Girl," is actually based upon this burlesque establishment.
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