Elizur Holyoke Pub Inc
874 Hampden Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Hampden County
Phone: (413) 539-6504
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Olin Mulneix on
HIRO BALLROOM last time we was there was last  halloween which  they called HIROWEEN  get it  halloween = hiroween haha.. fun  party full of  sexy ,scary, funny,  ppl... this year im going back  for more get your tickets  at http://www.iclubnyc.com
by Wendy L. on
This is a place that I've been going to for my past 5 years in college. Heck I'm even going to go eat there tonight! Who can deny $5 Mexican Martini Night!!! Other drinks I also enjoy getting there is their Cuban Martini with watermelon rum which tastes like a watermelon jolly rancher, however I heard they were no longer serving it with watermelon rum. Very disappointed, but I guess the Dragon Berry rum isn't a bad flavor either. As for food, they're best dish is definitely the Stuffed Avocado with Suiza sauce. Absolutely delicious! My bf use to hate Trudy's until I introduced him to this dish and now I have converted him to going here a lot. Other than that their other dishes aren't bad either.
by Angel Lim on
Being from the south, I enjoy bars and nightclubs with a laid back feel that's warm and welcoming. This place has it all: great bartenders with interesting life-stories to boot, a welcoming atmosphere that's very non-LA, unique events such as "boys with joysticks" (a gay-gamer's dream) and a smoking patio. In addition, I'd like to mention that this place never makes you feel like you have to drink. As someone who goes out and may have a few, or may simply have a coke and pizza slice later... I never have felt pressured to buy, and I always get my coke or root-beer for free! I love the people who run this place, and recommend it to those who wish to get away from the hustle and bustle found in the Castro. If your a newbie to Sf and aren't used to Cali nightclubs then come here. I LOVE IT.
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