Empyrean Brewing CO
729 Q Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Lancaster County
Phone: (402) 434-5959
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Amanda B. on
************* REVIEW 200 **************** Glad that Dee Razo is promoting this club now. Still happening after all these years! Haven't been back for 3 years & I still love it! Downstair play house & upstair is Hip Hop. 1 of my FAV spots in NYC!
by Moira Delacerda on
I've been here twice, for Saturday night wunderland. This was after the recent remodeling, so dunno what it was like before. The neighborhood is a lil sketchy, but that's probably because it can be open till 6am, and so you can't have the club in a place that would bother the neighbors. I'd say that's the biggest downside. The main room is very pretty, nice loungey area you can dance in too, and off to the side there's a couple of smaller rooms to dance and lounge. Downstairs, it's darker, and it's basically for dancing, with a vip area to the side with beds and sofas. There are bathrooms on each floor, with bathroom attendants (which can be annoying, I'd rather do it myself). The soundsystem is good. An overall pretty nice venue.
by Amparo Jiminian on
This place is great, i Dj'ed here last saturday with Psycho Realm and SpinCycleLA for the west coast graffiti Art Show 2, and we had a blast. there were canvas' set up outside for live graffiti, a hip hop lounge, and art/photograpghy lounge, and a main room with live performances. i think i had a great time because the we drank for free on stage and in the V.I.P. lounge an dthe waitress were uber hottttt.....!!! ima call u Sandra.... ur still my favorite bartender.
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