End Zone Gentleman's Club
2703 Oaklawn Boulevard
Hopewell, VA 23860
Hopewell City County
Phone: (804) 458-2232
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Kiki N. on
Came here kinda late 12am for some dirrrty grinding.  Parking lot adjacent to the place is $8, but since we were low on cash for the night, opted to park at the lot right next to it with a pay station.  Walked to the pay station and the parking attendant said, "Senorita, only $5" before I could pay there.  Checked my purse.  "Dude, I only got $4 cash."  He said ok and we drove back to his lot 2 seconds later.  I guess you can haggle in LA.  Gracias senor. Walked in with no line.  Bouncer said, "Usually there's a cover, but I'll take care of you ladies tonight."  Suuuuure buddy.  I don't ever remember paying here.  But thanks for making me feel special. Game room downstairs.  Dance floor upstairs with hip hop and a live band that plays rock and 80's.  My kind of jams! Ran into so many familiar faces... fellow rateclubsers (Hiiiii Smitcha B..... again!), friends from junior high and even friends from the East coast!  It was like a family reunion! Got hot in hurrrr so chilled in the drizzle outside in the tiny smoking patio.  I always enjoy myself here for some good, not so clean fun!  I'll see ya again soon Busby's!
by Chieko Kalmus on
Hey, cool place! Big, very reasonable prices for the beer, the cocktails, they have food... If you add a beautiful pool table and nice waitresses, it is a winner. The beer "Bear Republic" that they have on tap is amazing, period. The concert was bad, though :-/ Nevertheless, I will come back.
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