by Lisa H. on Lime is fun if you have 1.5 days to spare. It took me that much time to get over my hangover and puke out my food. Don't get me wrong -- I had a great time when I was there. Go with great company and you'll have a blast. The burger and frittata are solid dishes, and the french toast is pretty good. disclaimer -- everything might taste great when you're pissed drunk at noon
by Cathryn Orio on This place is okay. It really is one of those pretentious, "have to know people," or look damn good to get in clubs. We had free passes but they didn't work since it was some rapper's birthday (can't remember which one, I want to say AKON, but I don't know). Anyway, we were in line for about 20 mins and the bouncer started hand selecting women (fail) and they did select us but still - I hate that, it's so Hollywood and meh, I guess I just don't care for the scene. We get inside and the venue is spacious (1 star) and it is cool how you can sit on the couches without VIP table, bla bla bla $500 bottle service - so that's another star. However, the music was good then bad, good then bad and the dj played songs twice. The drinks were $12 each I think and not strong (go figure these place just want you to drop down money for drinks in addition to the $20 cover we paid). Hmm, that's another thing - 3 women couldn't get in for for free? FAIL. This place did little to impress me - so I don't recommend it. Unless, you like the pretentious "you look hot, but pay cover anyway" scene.
by Shaniqua Michalski on Get dolled up - and I mean it, this place does not play around. Revel in your victory over the velvet rope, afterall, who would really deny you? Once inside, you know you're overpaying for your drinks, but you get off on this kind of pretention, so sip it with pride, honey! If you wanted the happy hour specials, you should have ended up elsewhere. You notice the lack of bottles is being made up for by an unusually high number of models. The love bracelet tables are interesting, the DJ fantastic!, the staff incredibly nice, and all the gold gives off a really pretty glow.