Esquire Club
43 Sims Street
Dickinson, ND 58601
Stark County
Phone: (701) 483-4495
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Dick Soyk on
None of the descriptions above describe the Esquire. These people have never been there. The owner is very cool and friendly. Love this pace. Not pretty like a motel bar. Definitively a biker bar. Very Cool.
by Tommy P. on
Pretty dope lil spot for drinks and music on a Saturday night. Came for the Mizumo music throwdown this past Saturday and wasn't disappointed. The drinks were strong, the music wasn't to loud or to quiet and it wasn't to packed or to empty. Shit was just right like Goldilocks son! Only thing that was weird was the bathroom situation. They have one of those two way mirrors so you can see out into the main area but apparently people can't see in. Something about seeing someone just chillin right there lookin into that mirror while I'm trying to take a piss didn't sit right with me. That and the lock is broken (it's one of those single person bathrooms) so someone could just walk in on you as you're tinklin. Fix that shit!!
by Yuko Owers on
This place is, well, it's cheesy.  But that's what makes it so much fun.  I love dancing to the really ancient beats that always seem to get played here.  It gets incredibly packed, but so far everyone I've met there seems like they are there to have fun and not to be a huge asshat, so I never go home feeling the Loathing.
by Kerri Carbajal on
if you like house music - then this is your place. i like house music..but not enough to make this my place. the crowd is average looking - not super hot, not super not - reasonable - but i dunno... drinks were club drinks - cover was 25 - luckily i didn't have to pay for cover or drinks, but if i did - i wouldn't have had appreciated it at all. over all, it was a cool time - but i think if you're really into house music (which i'm not), it's definitely more fun b/c this is definitely a place for house dancers. seemed like a lot of bridge and tunnel ppl here too - which was annoying. they limit the ppl coming in which means it never got too crowded - so that was nice.
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