51 Stuart Street
Boston, MA 02116
Suffolk County
Phone: (617) 482-3939
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by Elliott Heebner on
Laid back hip spot. 5 Buck Margaritas pack a punch after a while, good stuff.  I went ona  weeknight. Beverly, thank you for the warning. :) The velvet seats, the Day of the Dead inspired decor, they have velvet paintings, and awesome seating, good service, red tortilla chips, and you are greeted  by a nice person that will check your ID.  The dinner area, looks like your inside of a guitar case, with the blue velvet comfy stuffs on the wall. :D Also the bar area, wow. Super artistic, they even have little marionettes on the side wall, they move. :D super cool. If Mexican Art/Decor give you a happy feeling, check this place out. Check it!
by Alice C. on
Upon walking in: "He said he didn't want to be the reason that I came." "He better not say that!" ...was the bouncer's reply to our convo extract. Needless to say, I was sold.  Cool as f*ck. ...that is, until they charged us $5 each for cover!  Seriously?!? The decor was super cool (more classy and artsy than divey), the bartenders are nice, the music/DJ was pretty decent, there's a spacious dance area, but the place was practically empty on a Friday night that we came here. I had fun because I was with my friends, but paying a cover especially 1) after midnight - we got there at 12:45 and stayed till 1:45, 2) when the place is not very full - there were only about 6 people at most on the dance floor at any given time, and 3) our group still bought several rounds of drinks, was kind of a buzz kill.
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