Executive Economy Lodge
555 S Federal Hwy
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
Broward County
Phone: (954) 943-0920
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Alexa P. on
I've been here a few times. Each time was a different theme and audience. It's a nicely decorated venue, pretty large- great for dancing, and they have a good sizedbar. One night they had a Hawaiian theme that i didn't know of... the music was from the '80s so my group moved on, the crowd was also older. Another night it was 18+ the crowd was disappointing but the music was great... which did well since I was with my own group.... we had a lot of fun. Before experiencing their 1st floor club, they have a private 3rd floor that can be rented out.... the party there was fun however it is extremely cramped. The 2nd floor of the club has a cat walk that looks down to the dance floor.... which i think is all VIP. The drinks are pricey, but i've seen worse, and they do have a cover charge to get in, it might be free for women before 11 or 12. They do have a coat check, and a hosted bathroom. The scene of people has changed during the last few years which is disappointing.... but i guess that comes with the music. I like the place for groups that want to have "a" drink and dance the whole night!!!!
by Milton P. on
Wow, this place is so cool inside.  Going in, I thought this must be how movie sets look like.  It was surprisingly big.  Maybe I don't get out much, maybe I hadn't had my share of the New York bars scene yet.  I would definitely recommend this place to anyone coming out of town.  They will definitely appreciate what it has to offer.  Definitely not something you find in many other states.  I'm planning to go back when ever friends come in from FL or TX.
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