Fanny's Inc
342 Jefferson Davis Highway
Graniteville, SC 29829
Aiken County
Phone: (803) 663-1505
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Michelle C. on
This was such a cool event.  And guess what no screaming children.  That means, no strollers.  Yes!  Grown ups only event for just $12, or free if it is within 7 days of your birthday.  People were dressed up, I wore sequins nervous that was going to be too much, nope girls out shot me with lacy pantyhose and mini skirts.  That is okay.  I had fun looking at all the hip people while waiting in line. Since I can't drink do to tummy issues, I ate some food from the cafe and sipped on some delish H2O.  The music playing in the background supplied by a live DJ, was entrancing.  Made me feel like I was in a movie or a dream, walking around. What I recommend is to get tickets to the planetarium show for either the 6:30, 7:30 or 8:30 pm show.  Then head over to the bio dome because they close that early so the animals can get some rest.  I think they closed that by 8 pm?  Everything else is your playground.  You can dance to music, or touch a starfish and upstairs look out at the stars if it is a clear night on the roof.  Loved Nightlife.
by Sharleen Biren on
No. Not an authentic Chinese establishment and I think the "food" is quite possibly fluffy (the stray cat). Sorry, I wanted to like this place too!
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