Fantasia Restaurant & Lounge
1031 South Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
New Castle County
Phone: (302) 428-8888
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Sylvia P. on
I don't make it out to this area very much but had to go for a foreign exchange night organized by my university. All I wanted to do was go meet up with the people in my program and to leave. That didn't happen because the doorman was a complete incompetent moron. I didn't even get into the bar! Why? The doorman wouldn't accept my ID, which (as you can probably tell by motive of posting here) was legit. He took out a little light and shown it on my ID and then he said to his cronie, "Oh look, see how it shines brown and it should be pink.."  Then he continued to point out all these things that were wrong with my ID. He was totally power-tripping and to make it funnier, he was completely wrong! So he asked me for alternative ID. I told him I didn't have any. Then he said that it was suspicious I have a seemingly fake ID and no other identification. He kept calling me these condescending names like "sweetie" and "babe" which was even more annoying. I showed him my clutch purse; Why would I carry my credit cards/ wallet when I have a tiny purse and all I would need is my ID and cash ? Surely as a doorman, he notices women doing this! I insisted it was real and plead my case. Look, I'm here for something organized by my university, I live in the sunset and by the time I went back home and returned the event would be over... Then, the doorman who was dressed more like he was going to some douchy vamp 80s night said to one of his cronies that my friend and I "just looked shady." Maybe his poorly-applied, $1 drugstore eyeliner was impairing his vision. He said this as if my friend and I couldn't hear him though we were standing right in front of him. Then he said we could call the police to verify my ID since he didn't have a scanner. I called dispatch (Read: not 911) and they sent someone to verify my ID. When the cops got there, the bouncer apologized to the cops as if he had no idea that we would call them even though he had earnestly suggested it. The cops couldn't even verify my ID was real because they didn't have a scanner. They then told me about how doormen have the right to refuse service at their discretion.. It was so frustrating because the doorman had originally just made it out to be an issue of verifying my ID and when we attempted to do that we were met with the hostility of a sceney egomaniac who couldn't admit he was wrong. Meanwhile, all my friends in the program were showing up and heading in. So Mr. Doorman, if you ever read this just know you're not fooling anyone, sweetie.
by Ben Bournes on
In general, I think Hollywood places are lame -- eff you and your goddamn clipboards!  That being said the interior is nice (Vegas clubs are nicer), there's fake fur on the walls and sofas in the back seating section of the club.  Music was good, though.  I'd only go back if I can cut in line again.
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