Fayetteville Holdings Inc
4931 Bragg Boulevard
Fayetteville, NC 28303
Cumberland County
Phone: (910) 487-3098
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by nina s. on
*************ATTENTION BRUNETTES************** DO NOT bother to come to this nightclub..... My *HOT* girlfriends and I knew one of the promoters there last Saturday night and he invited us to come. We got there at about 1030PM (pretty early) and the main DOOR DOUCHE did not even glance our way for a solid 15 minutes (even though we were the only girls standing there). However, the second a Blondie came up, he walked over and granted her entrance STAMP and all. *side note: the ONLY reason we even " waited was because the BDAY GIRL was already inside and waiting for us* Finally, he acknowledged our presence, asked whose list we were on, and walked away. About 5 minutes later, he came back to grant us access----or so we thought: NO STAMPS for the brunettes. And without a "VIP" stamp you're condemned to eternal damnation @ BAR 210. We walked into Bar 210, which is full of all the Plush REJECTS (the ones not  "blonde enough" for the coveted stamp). Everyone was just kind of lounging around eating chicken wings, having drinks... PRETTY BORING! So, we walked over to our promoter friend and asked him to get us stamps, and right at that moment, the DOUR DOUCHE walked by and in the most condescending tone said, "Not everyone gets stamps." WOW !!! I've partied all over LA, Hollywood, Vegas, NYC, Chicago, and Miami and have never experienced such blatant discrimination. I was sooooo disgusted by this place that I decided to register with rateclubs just to shed some light on their DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES. It is 2010 and we are in one of the most diverse cities in the world! But apparently, Plush is stuck in 1910: BLONDE'S ONLY= LAMMMMMMMMMMME! At least the nice valet girl, was gracious enough not to charge us when we decided to leave 30 minutes after arriving. Thx Nice Valet Girl!!!
by Marco Monteforte on
One of my favorite dive bars in Philadelphia. Tall beers for $3 to $6.  Food is surprisingly good if you come early enough to eat it.  Late night snacks are mediocre. A great place to lay low and hang out with your hipster friends.  I can recall instances where the whole bar (it's quite small) broke out into Queen songs on the Juke Box.
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