Fiddle Bow Saloon
209 Broadway
Crowley, CO 81033
Crowley County
Phone: (719) 267-3292
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Hours: unknown
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by Mason Eaglen on
Mezzanine is exactly what comes to mind when I think "big city club venue", with all the accompanying advantages and pitfalls. Pros: - Great bookings. I came up here to see Recoil (Alan Wilder of Depeche Mode's solo project) and will likely come back to catch Peter Hook's performance of the seminal album "Unknown Pleasures". - Very cool interior. Spread over two floors, this place is lit and built perfectly. - Friendly staff: The door staff was very cool. Got my ticket quick, no attitude, acommodating. The bar staff were working their collective asses off getting people drinks. I got my cocktails in two minutes flat amongst a sea of goth-clad clubgoers. Cons: - Pricey drinks: $9 for a small Red Bull & well vodka? Yikes. I hate to ask what a top-shelf cocktail costs. - Crowd: The crowd here is overflowing with attitude. Either they're too "big city" to talk to you or even make nice, or too concerned w/their outfit or attitude to cut loose and dance. Just because you hang out in Dolores Park doesn't make you some undiscovered ambassador of cool. Loosen up and have fun. So yes, I'll definitely be back to catch some prime music...I'll just have to show up 3 shots in.
by Becky J. on
I am in love with the decor. My hubby and I have had many conversations about how our house should be decorated like this and why the heck have we not done so yet. The seating is comfy, and there are plenty of areas to claim. Half price pizza is fantastic. Last night we ordered the Artichoke and White Pizzas.. and they were really freakin' good. I had the spicy orange margarita (I can't recall the real name), and it was delicious and surprisingly really spicy. The price was nice too.
by Nicholas Brunn on
You can only have a good time here if you: A) Are on drugs B) SUPER RIDICULOUSY drunk C) Love house music D) Are on drugs My friends and I were decided to come here on a Saturday at 2 AM because someone in our group knew a person with a table. We had no problems getting in but once we were in, I wanted to run back out. The music wasn't the problem for me. I don't mind house music at's just the creepy glow in the dark flute man that scared the crap out of me on the dance floor. Prepare yourself because this man is truly frightening. He follows people around and trills very loudly on his flute to the house/hip hop music going on in the background. I KNOW. WTF. The lights display is pretty cool, but after about 10 minutes I felt like I was going to have some kind of seizure. Like I said, you gotta be on some serious drugs to love this place.
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