Fireside Cocktail Lounge
1716 Hoover Street
Kingman, AZ 86401
Mohave County
Phone: (928) 753-9110
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Jesse Leske on
Ewwwww! If my friend didn't have her bday here I would've stayed away due to it's rep for being ghetto....and being ghetto it certainly is. What is "ghetto" nowadays you're asking (as the term has been so loosely used recently)? Let me paint a picture: large women is size S dresses so their goods hang out, bumping into you with their dripping sweaty arms like they're the only ones on the dance floor; stupid girls tripping over their own feet 3 times within one yard to get attention from guys when heading for the door; people freak dancing like they're back at high school prom and everyones competing for who can out-slut the other; guys grabbing you or "accidently" brushing their entire palms against your body as you make your way through the rather non-existent crowd. Come on people, have some class!!!! This is nasty! The music also sucked badly! Hip hop, one or two top 40 songs and a BUNCH of songs I've never even heard of! Oh well, dance music is my thing anyway. Oh! And they are super inconsistent with their drinks...$9 for rum and pineapple the first time, then five minutes later it's $6 when you go to another bartender! Beware! Ladies, buy the drinks and flirt. Guaranteed you'd get it for cheaper. Or pregame. Cover is also bull....called ahead and she said it was $10...arrived it was $20. So you know they got an earfull from me and finally let me and my girl get in free (boys paid $15 each instead). So basically, this place is run by incompetent people and patroned by nasty girls and dirty, dirty men. Save yourself a million headaches, a million "ewww get off me"s, your money and the precious hours of your life and skip on down to 1015 or somewhere cute and classy!
by Efrain Thibideau on
I like this place for a good dinner or a Saturday night DJ Chief Boima dance dance revolution time.  If its your Birthday and you go with a group of 6+ you get a free pitcher of a house drink!  Make sure to bring id cause thats the only way you gonna get it! Stop by on a Saturday night for some serious dancing whenever DJ Chief Boima is spinning.  He can spin a serious set.  And regardless of when you go the drinks are on point.  Watch out cause they sneak up on you!
by Brian H. on
Sweet place to go for a planned or unplanned night.  Always a fun time.  Great dancing, easy to mingle, and a open nearly empty smoking room to cool off in. Warning:  ridiculously hot and the bathroom line is long.  Also had a bartender try to charge me for three drinks after handing me two.  How he could have "thought you ordered three" evades me. Pay attention and 5 star on.
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