343 Southwest 6th Street
Redmond, OR 97756
Deschutes County
Phone: (541) 923-5042
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by Cecilia Davern on Now THIS is a dive bar! Too many bars that don't fit the bill of a nightclub, wine bar or lounge call themselves a 'dive bar,' when in reality, they're not a dive bar at all. If those in-between bars need a real description of what a dive bar entails, I recommend you spend some quality time at 21 Club. It's small, most of their beers are served lukewarm at best, their clientele have been known to sneak off to the bathroom to vomit in between consuming bottles of PBR (and not because it's 'cool,' either), and you get to mingle with everyone from hipsters, alcoholics, women with mustaches and the occasional out-of-towner that just read Esquire Magazine's list of the 'Best Bars in America' circa 2008 at the same time. http://www.esquire.com... While obviously a magazine geared towards men, I've been reading Esquire long enough to understand they have a more sophisticated demographic than say... Maxim subscribers... so it's funny that they'd steer their readers towards a super duper dive in the Tenderloin like 21 Club. In fact, the publication in which this honorable distinction was bestowed upon the bar featured (then presidential candidate) Barack Obama on the cover... which makes it even more magical to me. Liquor is cheap, beers are cheaper... and the windows to the world are absolutely priceless. I've only been here for short periods of time in the handful of visits I've paid, but I'd seriously love to spend an entire day observing life as it unfolds outside the large windows facing the intersection of Turk and Taylor streets. What I've seen in observing just 30 minute increments both inside and outside the bar is worth a blog of it's own, really. For a day or night of drinking where you're likely to feel equally intrigued, dubious, and scared for your life withing moments of walking through the front door... you'll love 21 Club.
by Lesley Bairos on blink and you'll miss it at 17th and folsomn. this place is the definition of a dive: dingy to the max, everything looks like it's falling apart. yet, the ambiance was nice, dark with candles, and the drinks were pretty good. yay to happy hour! warning about the food- half of us got sick after eating.
by Annie O. on This place is INCREDIBLE!!!! It makes me fall in love with Ethopian food--seriously. It is ridiculously inexpensive, you get a HUGE plate of food, which the great servers come around and refill and it's healthy! Bonus, bonus points for the very cool atmosphere--half '70's makeout lounge, part vampire, part romantic and all cool! You can order difficult to find beer with your lentils and you never leave feeling unsatisfied. Note, only go there with very cool friends (like the ones that first brought me) and only take folks who are willing to get their hands dirty!