by Lakeshia Cherubin on Teddys finally reopened and its better than the first time! Amazing crowd for a Monday night..tons of celebrities and great dj. This is the only place to go -if you can get in.
by Barbra Simpon on My friend and I decided to try the Velvet Room this past Sunday night. Ladies Free All Night! We arrived at the club around 10:30 and parked near the front. We figured that we were early since the line was not that long. We waited to get into the club for an hour and a half...that's right, we did not get in until midnight. It was utterly ridiculous. Security was letting entrants in one at a time as to ensure that they did not exceed fire code. ( By the way, same sex security will frisk you before letting you enter the club. And when I say frisk, she stuck her fingers under the underwire of my bra and then decided to ask me was I trying to hide anything in there. Evidently NOT!) Inside, the club was lavish, huge, ...and empty! It did not get even close to being crowded until well after one o'clock. I stood by the bar all night and watched the drunken antics of the crowd. I thought that because this club was "grown and sexy", the crowd would live up to my expectations. But I was soon confronted with the reality that grown and sexy did not describe the caliber of people, but their attire. (They dressed "grown and sexy", but refused to act like it.) What particularly disturbed me about the Velvet Room is that they don't allow you to bring cameras into the club. Yet, they have photographers that will take your picture and also print them on a portable digital printer for a fee. Additionally, if you perhaps make a love connection, there is also a flower guy who walks around selling roses. Lastly, several hispanic men in white button down shirts were scattered around the club with brooms and dust pans waiting for debris to touch the dance floor so that they could swarm in and save the day. The Velvet Room is a difficult place to meet people...esp quality individuals. But ladies, if you are bored on a Sunday night, grab some girlfriends and a few drinks and throw your cares to the wind.
by Scott M. on This space is absolutely incredible. I took my little cousin and aunt here when they came to visit from California. For some reason I had a really bad impression of aquariums, and dreaded the trip to the GA Aquarium because I just thought it would be boring. I mean, honestly, how long can you sit and look at a fish in a tank? But I was delighted and surprised with the level of intricacy that had been dedicated to this building. The aquarium is huge, and definitely a spot that you can spend a good 3-4 hours inside. They have a number of exhibits, and its actually really educational. I think my favorite was being able to touch some of the seafood--- i mean fish and other little sea critters. Its an extremely interactive place to take children, and my little cousin had a blast. A tad bit pricey for an aquarium, but definitely something thats worth checking out at least once.