First Street Saloon
285 1st Street
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Bonneville County
Phone: (208) 525-9917
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Johnathon Karls on
I love this place!! The food is good. Try the shrimp. But my favorite is the CAKE. the German chocolate one is my favorite but i've sampled many of them and there all tasty :)
by Antony Ullo on
For our first night out in Atlanta, Halo was not the ideal lounge to visit. I relied on the posted reviews for a trendy, popular spot to hit on an early Monday night. Between the hours of 2000-2230, Halo lacked a DJ, drink specials, and a crowd. I am sure that the Monday night reviews of Halo were based on a time past 2230, but in that case the it should be considered a *club*. We lucked out on a street parking spot otherwise the valet would not have been worth it. On the bright side, the bartenders were friendly and prompt taking our drink orders since the place was slow. FACTS: *Average drink price/person = $7.50 *No cover on Mon. from 2000-2230 *HALO is located on the Right-side (Your Left) of the Baltimore. *The lounge's entrance sign consists of an incomplete slanted circle. *Limited street parking.
by John P. on
It's an okay bar, I'm sure. But I've only come to the Phoenix on Friday or Saturday nights. Nothing screams "WRONG" in a louder or clearer tone than Phoenix Landing on a Friday or Saturday. If any female friends of mine come along with, I feel like I constantly have to scan the crowd for sketchy assailants. And not just the usual repertoire of dance club sleaze reeking of Axe and "extreme hold" hair gel. I mean guys who look like they stab. (Has anyone else ever seen that guy who lurches arrhythmically near girls then, when they're not looking, leans over and mutters, "Woo" in their ear? He's a regular) The last time I visited Phoenix Landing, someone set off a stink bomb near the back of the bar. I tell people this and they ask how sure I am: could someone have farted? or shit out a sulfur burrito? And I tell them I'm pretty sure it was a stink bomb, given the intensity and duration of the smell, but you know what? At that level of stench, does it matter? They have good beer and play soccer games, if you're into those sort of things.
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