Flair Lounge
9496 Montview Boulevard
Aurora, CO 80010
Arapahoe County
Phone: (303) 344-1394
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Hours: unknown
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by Jenise Well on
I don't know how to start this review. I wanted to say that at some point, we noticed that both dudes behind the bar were wearing very, very tiny pants, and if you cut one of those pants and reassembled it, I might be able to get one leg in it. Oh I know. Okay, we went to Buenos Aires on 6th, and got parking smack out front. What kind of other good fortune awaits us this evening, my buddy asked. I told him not to say stuff like that; it always summons the Bad Luck Boogers. Sure enough, Buenos Aires closes at 9 on Mondays (just submitted a rateclubs update). Dang. The sweet waitress told us to try Good Knight. "East Side Show Room" interjected the eating waiter. Well alright then. I've been on a terrible blue cheese kick since going to ESSR. They have a delicious, if small, cheese plate with all local cheeses (most everything here is local, they will proudly tell you), walnuts, grapefruit, and nom nom nom. We also ordered the lamb/goat burger, which indicated on the menu the option to include a farm fresh egg. "Do you want an egg with it?" "Nope." "Uh no. You want a mother-effing fried egg on it." "Actually and really, no." Cue review hesitation. This place is a wee bit pretentious. If your dinner plans got crushed and you end up here last minute asking for iced tea on a Monday night, you're at the wrong joint, and you're about to be disqualified as a human being for your request. I got a thorough run-down of the specialty drinks, and how they're super-special, and how lucky we were to sit in the place. Cute, but I just wanted wine. I'm paying for it. I don't need attitude when I ask for a glass of wine. If I didn't think you'd punch me in the uterus by interrupting your special drinks monologue, I would have done so and stated: I just want a glass of wine. But now you're pissed because you've run through the origins of everything on the special drinks menu, and all I choose is wine. Why am I alive. Snootiness aside, they had an awesome gypsy-style band playing, and the burger and sides were fantastic. Still, I don't know if I'd intentionally forgo another place for an exercise in assertiveness at ESSR, not after 10 hours at work. It's exhausting. I'd rather call my mom.
by Basilia Baseley on
I love this venue. It's beautiful, good sound, but I feel the booker needs to go back to booking heavier artists Best spot in the house besides the floor is the balcony all the way back, facing the stage. Not every crowded , and you can see the entire stage central, while taking in the beautiful architecture. Whether it was Candira/Will Haven in 99 or Poison the Well/ Hatebreed in 02 or Saves the Day in 05, the sound is always excellent, and this is prolly top 5 in terms of Live SF venues.
by Aaron B. on
The pint glasses are HUGE. Imperial pints (568ml) of Guinness available for the same price that other rotten stinking cheater pubs charge you for 14-ounce ones (414ml). That's 37% more beer for the buck! The waiters are AUTHENTIC. All Irish, all the time! H-1B's for everyone! The history is LONG. Sure, ownership has changed a bit from decade to decade, but it's been around since 1817 and even has a ghost and its own coffee table book. Sit at the bar and you can put your finger in an indenture that was started by some random sailor back in the 1800s! When your grandchildren visit, maybe the indenture will have become a hole! I like to use CAPITALS and exclamation marks!
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