Flanagan's Central Station
100 Central Avenue
Whitefish, MT 59937
Flathead County
Phone: (406) 862-8888
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Flanagan's Central Station - About Us
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Flanagan's Centeral Station :: Whitefish, Montana's live entertainment hot spot. Live music venue in downtown Whitefish. View upoming shows and order tickets.
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by Dayle Stich on
Three of us, adults, paid a visit to kill time until our flight at night. And I'm glad we did! Georgia Aquarium is big and fun for people of all ages, especially for kids, I'm sure. They have many interactive exhibitions, like, what you might call it... petting aquarium?? And you don't feel too bad for those sea creatures for they also take breaks once in a while. The aquarium was kept clean, and all the workers were friendly and very informative! You just have to say "wow..." or loose a word when you are in front of a huge glass wall separating you and two beluga whales swimming and also when you see manta rays and whale sharks roaming around on top of you as you go through a tunnel. You might find better aquariums, but I think it definately deserves to be visited by locals and travellers alike! Of note, I remember paying more to get into Miami Seaquarium and leaving very unsatisfied.. I would go every year to Miami Seaquarium if it was as good as Georgia Aquarium!! Lucky you, people in Atlanta.
by Trinidad Gershkovich on
This club is not the spot. You want to goto the Tea Room at HWood if you want to go to whats good. Check my review on the Tea Room.
by Christian M. on
What a venue!  This place is so unique in San Francisco, I recommend you put it on your itinerary when visiting the City. The music we heard particulary from Janice (vocals and keyboard) blew us away!!  The service from the staff was impeccable.  Lynn is terrific and her recommendations were right on.  Fried Chicken and biscuits are their specialty.  I especially liked their chicken wings with cucumber dipping sauce. Really can't describe the music or give it full credit in one review.  The energy and liveliness of the live band literally got people out of their seats dancing.  This show is a must see!!!  Recommend booking the earlier show so you can grab dinner as well.
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