Flatspin American Grill & Dancehall
2750 Red Lion Road
Philadelphia, PA 19114
Philadelphia County
Phone: (215) 969-7746
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
Flatspin American Grill & Dancehall - About Us
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by Dipesh G. on
I've only been to Harlot during the week for happy hour or events.  Harlot seems to throw a LOT of special events and they're usually pretty good.  It's also free to get into and they have pretty good dance/top40 type music.  They have an indoor smoking chamber for the smokers.
by Misha Chasson on
PLEASE DO NOT GO HERE FOR WITH A BIG GROUP. EVEN IF YOU ARE ON THE LIST, THEY WILL GIVE YOU GRIEF. We had a group of 30, emailed ahead of time of time to be on the list, etc...and when we showed up, they only had 1/3 of the names and made us wait outside for over an hour until they decided we could go in. This of course AFTER 11, so that we had to pay an additional cover. Seriously, the whole experience was horrible and the staff outside are complete jerks (especially since they confirmed we were on the VIP list via email beforehand). Please save yourself the headache of bringing your party here and go somewhere that will actually be happy to have your business.
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