by kiki b. on i was drowning in a sea of popped collars and hair spiking gel they must have gotten lost on their way back to the douche-baggery frat house. i'll try it again someday but the frat boy to not frat boy ratio was way too high the night i was there that being said, i've had good times at the stumble inn. and in a twist of irony i do love beer pong (aka the game of frat boys)
by Coreen Rilling on I came here first randomly a few years back after being thrown out of some over-priced bar/lounge down the street by the Fire Marshall. After ogling the hot firemen for about 15 minutes or so, my friends and I decided to walk down the street to find another place and one of them said "SOB's!" I danced so much my feet thought I was trying to murder them the next morning. I've come back several times and I've always had a good time - lively crowd, great live music and lots of dancing. Only downside are the creepy, creepy Webster Hall-types that lurk in the corners and then try to whisk you away to dance when they've gauged appropriate drunkenness. Go in a group and you can avoid them.