1030 Central Street
Leominster, MA 01453
Worcester County
Phone: (978) 534-7026
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by Adam E. on
Just like any club it's all about the night you decide to get it on.  The upside is a cool photo booth and generally accommodating staff.  The downside, occasionally frighteningly empty.  The big draw on this place in my opinion is their ardent commitment to NO HIP HOP which is a nice thing with a dance club to be frank.
by Marisa Menefield on
My roommate and I are watching Star Wars (episode 3: so bad it's good!) and discussing what rating to give the Abbey Tavern. We feel that it would deserve 5 stars if only it was a bit more crowded. Seriously, it can be sadly deserted, and I don't understand why. The Saturday night DJ spins great music, and I *would* be out there dancing, except that I would also be alone on the dance floor, and I don't have enough confidence or talent for that. We started our night a couple blocks away on Geary, at the Buckshot Bar. It was packed (the 38 stops right outside the front door, and the bus seems to empty directly into the bar) -- I had to weave through about 30 drunk guys dressed as Santa. The frat boy atmosphere combined with the what-is-he-thinking-DJ drove us out of the Buckshot Bar. That's when we discovered the Abbey Tavern. Genuine Irish bartenders; nice flat screen TVs; good margaritas (and lemon drops! Sorry -- I am fond of girly drinks); a talented DJ who is a Cal fan; a pool table; all this is well and good. But the 4th star is earned by the clean and spacious women's bathroom! My girlfriends and I decided that we would like to live in the bathroom. However, that may have been because we were fairly tipsy at the time. Good times at the Abbey Tavern! I would be dangerously close to making this my neighborhood bar if only I lived a bit closer. As it is, I will have to rely on the 38. I will still support it faithfully and I hope you do the same, particularly if you are male, single, straight, smart, cute, etc. Or, at a minimum, if you will help a girl out on the dance floor every now and again, even if all you know how to do is the lawnmower.
by Terresa Vidovich on
It's 4pm on a Sunday and I'm still recovering from a night of partying at Mighty (this is a good thing). Situation: Did some Halloween partying last night. Lo and behold it's already 2am and bars are closing up shop. Typical. This really gets me about SF. Just as I was beginning to get my buzz on, someone stops the music (as abruptly as having a glass cold water thrown down your pants), turns on the lights and says get out. Argh! It was Halloween though. The party must be continuing SOMEWHERE. Mighty here I come! I get there and it's still bumpin'. I have to admit that they did not let down this Halloween. In fact, the DJs were off the hook. Entrance fee was alright, drink prices are average, space is decent, and the vibe was really good. Lots of people who just want to dance without the hotter-than-thou stuffiness. The music was techno, house, jungle, rave-ish (great description eh?). I have to say, though that Mighty is just a venue. I've seen a couple acts here (special DJs or hip hop groups) and that will only be as good as the performer is. 5 stars for last night though, Mighty. You were great like they say you are.
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