Fremont Keno
2323 Laverna Street
Fremont, NE 68025
Dodge County
Phone: (402) 721-8545
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Hours: unknown
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by Rolande Hauke on
OVER_RATED ....... OVER_RATED.....(chant it with me) Next time I'm in Philly I'm going to try some of the local spots..this place is for tourists....cheese fries were money though
by Yuk Livigni on
Alright, while we all know that The Greatest Bar is in fact not The Greatest Bar... but they're not that bad. Drinks are priced fairly - $7 for Pineapple Malibu and wasn't under poured like most bars around here. 4 levels of fun, I was only on the 4th so I can only speaketh of the 4th - it definitely is a climb but I believe I saw an elevator at the corner of my eye if handicap accessibility is required. My only negative thought is why can't you turn on the air if there is a room full of people and/or open the windows? And if you do open the windows, that it isn't going to fall on the person opening it (which it sort of did from what I saw from afar). Maybe seal the windows if you don't want people opening it in large crowds? The bouncers at the door act like wanna-be cops, flashing their flash lights in faces and asking if people have been drinking. Well if people are going out after the Bruins game, that's a high possibility... but that's just me you know having common sense. But when a girl seemed unconscious and was carried out of the bar and needed an ambulance, the bouncer didn't know what to do. It wasn't only until another bouncer from inside told the outside door guy that it was his cousin and that she had a medical condition did the guy start to react. The worst was that he continued to stand there without making a move and actually calling an ambulance, but instead wanted to check our wrists to make sure we still had our "The Greatest Bar" stamped on under our blue bracelets before we can return inside. I only hope that the girl is okay. But I'm not going to blame the bar for that bouncer's stupidity and slow reaction. I did have a great time here and it was a great amount of space for a private event and definitely some good tunes to dance to.
by Michael H. on
Ashton is my hero! Best, sassiest bartender ever. Pretty much made my night. Oh, that, and dancing alongside the oblivious, and poorly-dressed 40-something in Tevas and pleated khaki shorts. Amazing.
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