Frequency Breaker Club
1856 Duval St
Mobile, AL 36606
Mobile County
Phone: (251) 478-4047
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Campbell K. on
Consistently dig this place. If you want a classy cocktail, no better. I love throwing on a herringbone blazer and some loafers and indulging in an over-priced G&T, no question. However, what others have said is true, that G&T will cost you about 27 dollars, and if you hand any bartender (who take their sweet time getting to anyone if it's crowded) 40 dollars expecting some sizable amount of change, don't hold your breath. Having said that, such is the way with upscale places like the Standard Rooftop, and I can accept that. The atmosphere more than outweights this, anyways. The view - breathtaking. The pianist - masterful. The drinks - well mixed and stiff. I haven't been there later at night, when it's turned into a club (even when I had a room there one night), but I assume it's a bit sloppier, and the service as well. As for the complaints about door-hassles, I must have gotten a different girl, since the one who greeted me actually recognized me from neighboring highschools back in D.C., and struck up a lovely conversation. Fun fact: Both the men's and women's toilets have fantastic views of the Manhattan skyline, in case you need something to take your mind off of your business.
by Micheal Jamerson on
I don't understand bowling and I don't bowl.  But my friends have been pestering me for a long time, and I gave in.  I sat and watch with another non-bowler, and it was quite fun.  Really good atmosphere.  Ideal for a Saturday night.
by George M. on
Big club, I guess if people showed up it would be fun.  I recently got kicked out for smuggling in a bottle of vodka and pretending like I had ordered it.  It was pretty funny though because I had the bottle out on a table and was pretending that I was a big baller.  Yeah they didn't buy that...
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