Frink Street Tavern
904 Frink Street
Cayce, SC 29033
Lexington County
Phone: (803) 791-1755
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Hours: unknown
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by Larae Mosteller on
I was really excited to see what Greg Bronstein (SF nightlife aficionado) had up his sleeve this time. After brilliant times at Bar on Castro and Lime, I am a fan. Apparently, the rumor going around was that you were going to have to cock the gun back and pull the trigger. The place has been overhauled since it's last incarnation of JET, it's been stripped off the wherehouse feel and totally done to be if Las Vegas and Los Angeles had a love child. I love the interiors, the place just screams sex all around. This goes to the subconscious touches: cage in the middle of the room, shirtless bartenders, the bathroom styled to be a pseudo time-out for the gay boys to "powder" their noses. But so okay, it's weird for me to think for such a space to be divided into VIP and general access in such a small space. $500 (or so) to crawl into the upstairs and be amongst some sort of elite. A capital club that is not... but I have yet to see what happens up there. The glamour in the club is there, but here's to hoping that it smooths out it's operations. Granted, it was opening weekend - so you can maybe forgive drinks, weird bottle service and atmosphere. I'll be back to load up and pull the trigger again. I'll let you know how it goes.
by Lorraine T. on
one word: TRRRRASHED! i barely remember getting here. i know i've here twice by jumping in a cab with my more knowledgeable friends. i should have asked where we were going but in my drunken haze, i followed the person with the good ideas... that sounds real healthy huh? ha ha anyways...insomnia is the kinda place were you go when the 2am call comes away too early and you want to see the sun come up. prices suck ass but i guess that is to be expected when you're partying and being served liquor at an illegal venue. how else are they going to pay the authorities off? cover is awful, unless you're a chick or you "know someone". door cover varies. drinks are pricey as well. house music all night long is the up side. dancing till 6am is the plus. and i've done things here i wouldn't want my mother to know about. =/ shhh!
by Alix Gravitz on
The renovations done here were well worth it! The space is absolutely gorgeous. This is a pretty cool place. Expensive cover charges paired with expensive drink prices makes this place a special occasion destination only. DJs are so so!-- But where are the good DJ's in this city? Hmmmm The crowd- a bit pretentious.. but I guess if you just paid $30 to get in and your bar tab ( for just you) is $50 after just 3 drink, then reasonably so you may be a bit pretentious... Cool place, but not my scene.
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