Fuzzy's Place
116 West 1st Street
Duluth, MN 55802
Saint Louis County
Phone: (218) 726-0486
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by robyn k. on
bad price, bad food, bad politics.  pleeease don't eat here if you are a tourist.  if you want to find a good cheesesteak place because you're in philly on holiday, ask a local for their favorite place. my suggestion?  street vendors!  they're everywhere, food is good, super cheap, and there's no nasty politicking as a side dish.  i typically get my street vendor cheesesteaks with egg.  (TRY IT!)
by Marisol Mcgrapth on
Just another club - i went here for a friends birthday and while i had a great time and definitely enjoyed the music the dj was bumping, i was not impress with the level of service for someone who had purchased a bottle and table service. Their tables were practically in the middle of the dance floor, so you had people climbing into their table area and dancing and falling over. it was just over-crowding for 'table service' - there was no real separation between us and everyone else. This 'theme' kind of continued in the 'vip' section upstairs. It didnt really give me a very 'vip' vibe, it was also over crowded, unorganized.. although it did have a nice view of the downstairs dance floor. I might go there again, b/c the dj played some fun old school tunes, but i would definitely never pick this place to buy a bottle, b/c you just dont get your money's worth.
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