by Nick N. on My mistake. Really. This Worst Restaurant Experience Ever could have been avoided if I had only listened to a friend. Had my sights set on PF Changs in Park Square, but the wife didn't have the mood for Chinese food. We had Police concert tickets, so I figured we would eat near Fenway. Long-story-short, every other place had an hour + wait, so we filed into Tequila Rain. Now only a few weeks ago a close friend had told us of their experience here. It was a sad story, filled with the same desperation and pain that we would encounter. But in the far reaches of my pea brain I kept asking myself "How the f*** can they screw up Mexican food?" Ready? * Over-crowded, but no waiting list. Seriously. You need to HOVER over other people who may appear to be finishing their meal. I don't know who was more uncomfortable doing this - us, or the poor people trying to eat without all eyes on their final bites. * The staff. You've got to be kidding me. Tattooed attitude. Looks like the Fired Waitstaff Graveyard - get fired from Jillians, run next door and get hired at Tequila Rain. * The place smells pretty bad. The mens room smelled better than the dining area. Don't believe me? Take a walk through when they're busy. * Because there was a Police concert the manager decided to run a mid-80's Police concert dvd at full freakin' volume. Now, in a music venue, one can understand the head-pounding bass. But people were trying to eat. * Drinks. I had a decent concoction from the specialty drink list (Cactus Berry?). It came in a VERY small plastic cup...which might have been fine except I paid almost 8 bucks for it. Want to be whores, Tequila Rain? You're gonna get a good rateclubsing. * Oh yeah, the food. One star. Very, very bad. The Mexican Fiesta Layer Dip was a watery, salty concoction of straight-out-of-the-can ingredients with a basket full of broken tortilla chips. Blah. * Our burritos fared worse. The Spicy Beef Buritto was a pasty burrito wrapper filled with 95% rice and what could only be described as a smear of beef. The roasted vegetable burrito was just a soggy mess of over-cooked zuchini and peppers with the rice. * No tableware. We asked the man who brought us the food - he pretty much dismissed us and ran off. We asked the waitress. She finished my sentence and we never saw her again until I tracked her down to pay the bill. (I then told her I was holding my credit card and following her because she was taking way too much time and we wanted to leave. It's the closest I have come to a Chew And Screw in my life.) Tequila Rain is the worst food experience in the city that I have encountered. I need to listen to my friends more.
by Micheal Abrantes on Its a pusspool for Yuppies and insecure frat boys. Perhaps if you, fratboy, didn't go out in a posse of your boyzzzzzz you might get attention from some of the chicks. time try trading in your posssse for some potential pussy. Medjool I know you don't have much control over your clientelle, but at least you could try not watering down your drinks. A few stiff drinks could possibly numb down the horrible experience in your establishment.