by Mickey Schlund on I've noticed most of these reviews are from people who have gone to Du Nord to see shows or have a drink. For years, they have been rude, disrespectful and cruel to the artists who play there. Wake up Du Nord: you're still a teeny, tiny venue in a small town.
by Chris I. on I have read a number of reviews of this place. Everyone said the same thing. "Great NYC....(fill in the blank)" Ok, so what? I lived in the shadow of NYC until I was 29. I left. You know why? Because it sucked. The people sucked. The prices sucked. The attitude sucked. We don't need a NYC type club in S.F. That is unless you're a tourist or a B and T person. I like mellow places that don't take themselves too seriously. Vessel thinks it's something that it is not. What was good about this place was the staff. The doorman was very polite and let us know about the complimentary coat check and the way downstairs. Although we got there early. By the time we left, there was a line out to Stockton. Maybe the bouncers are jerks after 10 p.m. The bartenders were very courteous and took extra steps to make sure we were taken care of. (Kudos to my bartender who knew how to make a negroni.) After that, things sucked. Totally cheesy crowd. Totally crappy music. Totally overpriced drinks. ($21 for a gin and tonic and a vodka and soda. Save the Noo Yawk prices for Noo Yawk.) Total attitude everywhere. This place makes Matrix look like a neigborhood watering hole. Hopefully it will close within the next six months so I can go dance on it's grave.