Garfield Sports Lounge
10123 East Apache Trail
Apache Junction, AZ 85220
Pinal County
Phone: (480) 380-0558
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Maynard Sefcovic on
Carman's is BY FAR my favorite brunch spot in Philly, and there's lots of great brunch in Philly! This place is totally zany, and ALL the food is fantastic. Every detail is covered: homemade jam on every table, freshly brewed tea and coffee, carrot creme fraiche topping the carrot-pomegranate waffles, and of course, Carman in the kitchen wearing knee-high stiletto boots.
by Brain Pflieger on
Word association. Middlesex Lounge: Red Stripe Mortar Shell Rubix Cube Schrodinger's Box Projection Screen Modern Furniture Hallway Door Street Taxi
by Cynthia B. on
Mostly an older gay man's bar.  Not too old, but not kids who just turned 21 either.  I am not a gay man, but I do really like this bar.  I'm a lesbian, but they don't hate on us there.  Cool patrons and cool bartenders.  Patrons seem horny and bartenders are befriended easily and before you know it you are getting free drinks. Now and then I like to go to the Cinch.  A good place to get very drunk.  Wide variety of ages of customers, which is nice.  Smoking patio out back. One straight girl I know likes to hang out at this bar.  One time I went with her and she said, "Oh shit, there she is!  Hide me!"  And I asked her who.  Then she told me when she was super drunk the nght before she made out with a butch lesbian. With a name like The Cinch I thought they would have more of a country feeling going on at this bar, but it didn't seem even the slightest bit country.  Which is good for me because I don't like country.
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