Garwood Saloon
17800 North Highway 95
Hayden, ID 83835
Kootenai County
Phone: (208) 772-7878
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Hours: unknown
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by Carlton Mcfolley on
Thank you Harlot, For no cover charge For awesome go-go dancers For supplying me with a plethora of cute guys to buy my friends and I drinks For playing some of the best hip hop tunes and allowing me to shake my ass all night on the dance floor like it's nobody's business You rock!
by Dee Smithhart on
Normally not my scene, so I don't know if I was really shitfaced or if the place is really good. The music was pretty decent, the staff was your usual asshole-y NY security types, and the people that go there are pretty much snobs. Pretty crowded in there, nothing special like most people said. Good place if you wanna blow all your money on like two drinks... Major bonus: you can smoke in there and not have anyone yell at you.
by amy s. on
the food was a smidge better than a-okay, but i wouldn't go so far as to say, 'yay, i'm a fan.' because really, i can't stand places like buddha bar-all decked out like we are dining at effing epcot center, no thanks. what is staggering about this joint is the sheer, epic SIZE. it's pretty cavernous in there and for someone accustomed to tiny, cubby-sized new york living, i felt like i had stepped into a wormhole and landed square in the middle of the great plains. at any rate, i digress. buddha bar is full of people who are busily watching other people to see how they stack up in terms of their clothes, their BMI, their seeming affluence. it is dark, some might say 'moodily lit' and there is indeed a gigantic sitting buddha right in the entryway to greet you as you come in and to maybe intimate that you are going to have a spiritual experience here. hardly. i went with a well-heeled group, one of whom was treating us courtesy of his limitless expense account so it was a wild food ordering fiasco to be sure. everything i had was excellent. we had one of everything on the appetizer menu and kobe beef to start somewhere in the melee. as i didn't order, i'm not sure what we were eating (also, i mentioned the darkness), but it was all very, very tasty. they have lovely cocktails and the service was impeccable. i'm also fond of their strange little smoking shaft in the middle of the dining room. smokers not willing to actually walk out front can stand in this glass-walled little chamber for their puffs while we all watch them like strange specimens. but that's just it; buddha bar is a very seen and be seen sort of place and while the food was good, i don't care for scenes like this.
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