by Lexine I. on NOTE: This is a review of Vanguard while attending the "Tokyo Style 2010" event on 9/5 (Sunday). I've heard a lot about the Vanguard, with some people saying that the people who go here wear upscale clothing and that the sound system is absolutely incredible. Well, at least they got one part right! Vanguard is a venue that I'd like to call "My First Night Club," or a "Night Club for Dummies," because there really wasn't much real dancing that happened when I went and, when there were, the DJs would "accidentally" dis attach their laptops from the sound system or they'd literally push their laptops off the table and completely kill the vibe on the dance floor. There was also this huge uncertainty at the beginning whether or not we could go on the dance floor. The announcer tried beckoning a bunch of us girls to go in but there were people standing there as if contradicting what he was telling us to do. Let's not also forget the fact that the bouncers are pricks and they were treating us like little kids! Oh wait, that's because most of the people who GO to the Vanguard ARE, in fact, kids. To be fair, Vanguard attracts a much younger, college age type crowd and it's because of this that a majority of the crowd's idea of dancing is rubbing up against each other and jumping around with their $15 drinks in their hands, wasting away their money (and my time) dancing to songs that will play from time to time... until the DJs completely mess up and throw their laptops offstage again. Either that kills your vibe, or the people who will bump and elbow their way through the crowd and you. That's because while the Vanguard's sound system is top notch and looks and sounds huge from the outside, the dance floor is actually small compared to most venues. The air conditioning is also non-existent and the coolest section of the place is towards the front facing the street - a place where a separate DJ spins but has a sound system that's not as good as the main room. Cover charge was $30 and a shot of Tequila and a vodka/redbull mix cost us $26. You can certainly do the math from there. Overall, I don't see myself going back to Vanguard unless someone pays for my entrance and can assure me that good music gets consistent play. Seriously, if I really wanted to dance to the tune of "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey, I wouldn't go to a dance club... I'd look for one that does line dancing.
by Elvin Clagett on You can count on a unique location when it comes to this restaurant group. One Midtown Kitchen sits on Dutch Valley road which is right behind Piedmont Park and what appear to be railroad tracks. How they found this building is beyond me, but once inside the eclectic energy rich place grabs hold of you. The focus seems to be more on modern presentation than it is on wowing you with the taste of the menu items. Don't get me wrong, the food is pleasing to the palette but it is a combination of atmosphere and aliments that make this a top restaurant pick with both hometown folks and out of town visitors. A little secret that even some frequent diners might not know is that One will close down from time to time to play host to urban hipster parties and events. There is also a room in the back that is used for private parties and dinners.