Genco Import CO
246 East Clayton Street
Athens, GA 30601
Clarke County
Phone: (706) 354-0203
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Kali Gaughan on
I am new to National Mechanics so maybe I am not getting the "charm" of the decor. It was mostly a hodgepodge of fake birds and bare light bulbs. I was also confused by the odd images on the glasses. I know one was Poe but the one on mine looked like someone crossed a photo of Che Guevara with Jesus. But I digress, I went here after the rateclubs event under peer pressure to watch a sports game I really done care about. It took a long time to get service, it took a long time for the food to come out even though we only ordered fries and nachos. How long does it take to slap together a plate of nachos? I was not really impressed. The beer specials looked pricey even for Olde City. I might wander back in one day when I am in the area and the place is not hosting a large sports viewing party.
by Chery Duffel on
Will not be coming back. Long wait at the door. $10 cover even after putting your name on the stupid guest list. Drinks are pricier. Older crowd because it's located in the touristy side of town.
by Joolie T. on
Booking: a Korean club practice in which waiters will take women to tables to meet men for mini-"speed" dates. they take you by the hand- force you to sit with a bunch of men and expect you to hang out with them. i haven't heard this term since i was in Seoul. my friends talked about Korean clubs all over LA that host things like this. we were at a "promo" table (which is guaranteed the girls in those booths will be booked) i was afraid... really afraid. but- free Crown Royal and food? c'mon!!! don't try to entice me with your freebies! i'm too weak to resist. karaoke?! holy moly. i must not give in. dude: you're not Korean. me:     um... yes i am. dude: i don't believe you. what church do you go to? me:     we're at a club and you're asking me what CHURCH i attend? dude: see, you're frontin'. me:     wow. you're special. dude: i don't think you're my type for a girlfriend. me:     what's that supposed to mean? dude: i would take you home with me tonight, but not marry you. me:     married? what the.... dude: see? you're too sheck-shi (sexy) and provocative to be "wifed". i look at my girlfriends giggling away with their dates and i get up from the table. i was so wasted... that i walked over to another table and ended up drinking with random strangers. at least they didn't try to come at me with some crazy Korean-marriage talk. in the end, from what was a nightmare... turned into a night of drunken fun and meeting a buttload of Korean kids. as if i didn't know enough anyway. Le Cercle Super Club isn't so bad. the music is quite good and if you're with a group of your girlfriends... it's actually pretty fun. if you get creeped out easily by random speed dating... just say NO, ladies.
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