Gerry's Silver Slipper
4704 Independence Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64124
Jackson County
Phone: (816) 231-3150
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Matias D. on
This is a good place to play hide and seek.  The basement dance floor connects to the main floor at the front AND back, so you can chase girls all night long.
by Rosetta Luzier on
Not a bad club, though a bit too dark for my taste--everything was painted matte black. The decorations were of 3 eclectic styles with the common thread of naked women everywhere--goth wall paintings, pin-up table tops, and classical Rubenesque ceiling paintings. Now, I like the naked female form as much as the next guy (artistically, of course), but please! One style at a time! The drinks seemed almost too least until the 3rd one when I stopped noticing. From 5-9pm, well drinks are $5 and beer is $3, but be warned: they have no well whiskey, as a new friend discovered to her shock. The bartenders were pretty attentive but hyper-focused, displaying no personality. Music that night was a DJ spinning classic 80's hits. They have a pretty good layout of couches and chairs around the tables, creating a very sociable arrangement. Trivia: While "harlot" today is generally synonymous with "prostitute", during the 13th century it meant a male beggar or vagabond. Briefly, it also meant a juggler or jester of either gender.
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