Gina's Lounge
2501 5th Av
Huntington, WV 25705
Cabell County
Phone: (304) 525-0020
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Hours: unknown
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by Caitlin S. on
Brought my friend Aimee here for her bachelorette. We had a great time, tons of sexy, silly fun without any of the usual lame bride-to-be torture. The lap dance we get the bride was awesome. Way better than anything I have seen a guy get at a regular club. The ladies are friendly and so beautiful. Food was meh, my only reason but the give 5 stars. Doug did a great job leading us through the evening. Tons of fun, and watching Aimee do a shot from between Jasmine's breasts was downright awesome.
by Norman Leggins on
I saw Mew at Webster Hall tonight in the grand ballroom. It was the first time I'd ever been there, and I hope it's the last. The sound for the band was way too bass heavy and distorted. I understand this place is a club, but there was no reason to have such a sickening level of bass during these bands tonight. Also, the place was packed, and yet the show wasn't considered sold out. The room is pretty big, but the only place to stand with any room to breathe was either out in the hallway or behind the bar all the way in the back. I guess maybe they would consider it sold out if there were no space to walk around at all, so everyone can enjoy the fire hazard. Other general weirdness/annoyances include the following: The alcohol and drinks in general are a rip-off, with cheapo beers like bottled Bud Light costing $7, and even a bottle of water costs $5. Adding insult to injury, there is a bathroom attendant. And adding further insult to injury, the bathroom isn't even clean. The toilet seat and sink areas were a mess. There was an air hand dryer that I attempted to use, but that didn't work - of course the bathroom attendant needed to hand me a paper towel. And the weirdest thing is that they had a guy walk through the crowd selling cans of beer from a tray. Imagine you're at a baseball game and there are those guys walking up and down the stairs selling cracker jacks, except this is a concert and there are no aisles, so everyone has to push into each other to let the beer dude through the middle of the crowd. So, between the overselling of the show, the bad sound, the ripoff drinks, and the arbitrary bathroom attendant, I left Webster Hall in a sour mood tonight. If you love going out clubbing and being amongst tight crowds, you might like this place, but it wasn't for me, and I hope no bands I want to see ever play there again. I gave it two stars as opposed to one because admittedly I have been to worse places.
by Reyes Renova on
This place is cool. I was a little skeptical of the whole "Urban speakeasy" thing--honestly thought the concept was a bit cheesy and did't help that it next door (and owned by?) to Ruby Skye. However, the slide was really cool, though maybe a little gimicky and the interior was beautiful & music great. However, I fear this place will be B & T in no time, I was there on the weekend of the opening and already saw too many fake boobs & trashy outfits to keep track of--though I am willing to blame that on Ruby Skye overflow. Looking forward to going back! Oh--and NO cover!!
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