Glorias Restaurant & Lounge
Route 30
Irwin, PA 15642
Westmoreland County
Phone: (412) 824-9580
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Katina D. on
in L-O-V-E! I haven't rateclubed in a while but I had to write a review about this club. Let me just summarize it: Music = A+... they have a great variety of music and awesome mixes that regular clubs would not have!! Crowd= Love it! Very diverse. Friendly and no wannabe Vegas crowd Drinks=Strong and decently priced! Atmosphere=fun, upbeat, loud, like a huge party! I would add more details about this place but I was a little too tipsy to remember. Overall, I would come back again..and again..and again!!!!
by Cole Nuckoles on
No bueno. I was looking forward to Bordello because it would be my first burlesque show, and was excited for a little change in the weekend plans. However, I was sorely disappointed as the night started off terribly, and just kept getting worse. -There is an insane amount of construction going down around E 1st, so if you took 101 and exited First St. be prepared to make a bit of a detour as the bridge is closed -Cover is $13 and valet parking is available (limited street parking) - The DJ played straight Justin Timberlake for the first half hour I was there which seemed a bit out of place? -The show as advertised on the e-mail fliers was supposed to start at 10, but started at 11 - Not only did the show not start at 10, but an underwhelming band played from 11-12 -The rabbit lady hosting the night and introducing acts spoke in a creepy baby voice that she tried to make cutesy...I never find anyone who is over the age of 4 speaking in a baby voice cute, but that's just me - There is a dire..and I mean DIRE need to have a better ventilated space with sufficient AC because it was disgustingly hot and irked the hell out of me There were nice bartenders, and the decor was sweet with black chandeliers and vintage furniture...but I never want to return to this place again.
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