Good Friends Bar
740 Dauphine Street
New Orleans, LA 70116
Orleans County
Phone: (504) 566-7191
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Hours: unknown
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by Ronjini M. on
OK, maybe my review won't be as good because I'm just old. The other part could be that I'm not that keen on house music. Although, I must say for a while it was good. I just can't take constant house music for hours on end. That is not the fault of the club, there was an upstairs room with hip-hop that wasn't too bad. So we got there early, which is the ONLY reason we got in. Ridiculous bouncer gave two pretty girls trouble at the door when there's no-one in there. He said that the guest list didn't open until 12 am and we can only get in if we were with the promoter until then. Regardless, we stood there for a few minutes and it was early enough where he decided to finally let us in, so that we can pay to get in, mind you. The drinks were pricey at $15 a pop, however, we were drinking Goose and red bull. The place is filled with old men and 20-something women who look like they are trying to 'make it'. I almost forgot how going out used to be, lol. Everyone is kind of 'trying' to be dressed up, most of them #fail. I was actually surprised at the amount of ugly outfits. The most crowded area was the promoters booths, where they were smoking (inside), and I am not a smoker, so it was pretty musky up in there seemed to be nice but I was over the house music by then.. We were standing there, they s They had a large bald black bodyguard who was a total asshole and tried to kick me out because I told him he was an asshole. Here's the thing, I said to him "I can't hear you", his response was "relax, just relax"...Really??? I was relaxed until he said that. I wasn't even drinking and he acted like I was some drunk belligerent girl trying to get by. Anyway, I digress. It's a cool place to check out. I don't know if I would go back, unless someone gave me a free table or something like that. It has a nice atmosphere. Good house music, the hip-hop is good, but the area is pretty small. Lots of middle eastern people, probably because the promoters are such. A plus...the doorman said he was surprised at my actual age :). Thanks Mr. Doorman.
by Franklyn Nesselrodt on
You know...this place isn't that bad for undercooked hot dogs served with a side of dog food and soggy fries. I've only been here twice...both times I swore to not go back. Not sure how that second time happened. It's really not horrible as far as greasy spoon, landmark dives go...but I don't like hot dogs that much. However, you put me in front of a Gray's Papaya and I'll devour two in under 3 minutes.
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