Green Onion Cocktail Lounge
1235 Kilauea Avenue Suite 180
Hilo, HI 96720
Hawaii County
Phone: (808) 934-8634
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Kevin L. on
I love going to gay bars about as much as I love getting a root canal. Still, when Empress Kathleen says you're going out, you don't say no. It's pretty much guaranteed to be a good time. Add in a little David K (who seems to pretty much know every last gay in town), and Blake's entertainment value goes from decent to uproarious. Although one typically goes for the heavily-sauced beverages served in wimpy plastic cups* to get into the mood, I opted for some more low-key beer. I shoulda figured... it's a gay bar. They offer a selection of bottled "lite" everything. Ew. So... Corona it was! But, really... quality of booze products isn't the draw here, anyway. I'm pretty sure I've never witnessed a live drag show that parallels this one, orchestrated by a masterful maestroette. Between jiggly obese performers, acrobatic back walkovers, and even one performer with a set of true double-X chromosomes, this drag performance throws in the kitchen sink. A scene without excessive judgment, reasonably-priced beer, and an eyeful of men that look convincingly like women -- all this with friends on a Thursday night. Not much beats that. P.S. To the sketchy guy who totally ground up against me while I was navigating the crowd back to my people after using the loo... not cute, and not flattering. If I wanted a little play from you, I'd have let you known. Kthnxbai. ----- * Again, unless you're David K and somehow manage to finagle real glassware out of the bartenders.
by Rufus Garstka on
c'mon out for the happy hours, taco tuesday pretty much rules!
by Gonzalo Cardinas on
I know rateclubsers find this place immature and full of "douchebaggery". But I like this place. Firstly, cheap drinks ya'll. Til 9 o'clock. So much so, the cops camp out on Burnet (be forewarned! They lost their Dallas nightclub business and now wait to pounce on Sherlock customers). Also, I have a warm spot for cheesy, long haired, leather pantsed 80's rock cover bands. Wooohhh, Sweet Child of Mine.....I can't hold a tune in a bucket, but I will belt it out here. And lastly and bestly, I can act a complete fool here and not only is it condoned but I can usually rate some thumbs up and high fives. I can let my freak flag fly. I can stripper dance for my man and my grrl. I can flirt with guys half my age. I can rub a black bald guy's head (hotstuff!). It's a great place to cut loose and get away with it. So maybe I am a douchbag?? But it sure is fun!
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