Grizzly's Lodge
3830 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60613
Cook County
Phone: (773) 281-5112
Fax: (773) 281-5138
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
Grizzly's Lodge - About Us
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Chicago's most unique sports restaurant featuring a wild game menu, complete sports action,shuttle buses to Bears home games,outdoor dining,parties, and catering,chicago sports restaurant featuring wild game menu
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by Donatello M. on
I've only been here twice...Both for friends' birthdays on the weekends. It's packed shoulder to shoulder with drunk people being sloppy. And the bartenders definitely let you know how miserable their life is. Good place if you like to pick up on drunk girls that vomited on themselves at last call. Dirty dirty place, will not go back ever.
by pauline c. on
What can I say.  I went with my roommates because they got a text from one of the servers saying they had some crazy deal for a bottle of crown.  And them boys were ready on the prowl.  I didn't stay long, so they could do their thang freely.  I waited patiently to get picked up. But in the meantime, I was able to collect some thoughts about the place to comprise this review. To be fair, I came back in the day when it was Prive, with a bunch of guys too, so I didn't get booked that time either.  I find booking a very very very strange concept.  I wouldn't really think to come here with my girl friends.  I mean... getting pulled around from table to table forcing conversation and drinking with strangers is not really my idea of fun.  (wait, how is that different from a regular bar other than being pulled around to diff tables by waiters?? hmm I'll have to rethink that) It just feels very chauvinistic and makes me feel like I'm in a zoo. So.  our waiter was very great.  Came to get us at the door and ushered us to our spot.  Brought over that bottle of crown and poured us all shots.  He also asked me if any of the guys there at the table were my bf (no, but I don't want to get booked and please, send some hot chicks over for them).  But the hot chicks did not come, in the time duration I was there.  They were butt ugly.  Like the kind where I was wondering if my guy friends would get paid to talk to them.  Or drink a whole bottle each to get some crazy crown goggles. Ookokok enough bashing on the uglies.  I'm not trying to be mean(okok I am), but I just remember the girls being so much hotter when it was Prive, a couple years ago.  Where all them hot korean breezies at???
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