G-Russo'S Place
305 North 3rd Avenue
Stratford, WI 54484
Marathon County
Phone: (715) 687-9961
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by John R. on
Sure, it doesn't look too nice on the outside... and actuallly it's not that nice on the inside, either. But it has a fun, non-pretentious crowd and a pretty nice vibe. Why the low rating? The bartenders (two of them that I dealt with) were such jerks I couldn't believe it. After ordering a beer, I ordered a glass of water, and got an unbelievable stare down and glare. Sorry, Jackass, I hate to wait three seconds of your time for a free water. The other bartender, a woman, was in such a hurry that she barks orders at you! As in "You! Order... NOW!" I know that might have been a unique experience, but it was terrible. And, I hope you bring some earplugs, because if there is music inside, it's insanely loud. Like, miserably... nobody-is-actually-enjoying-it kind of loud.
by Sarah L. on
My first time ever eating ethiopian food.  I think I don't like it as much as indian or thai, but that's not Rassela's fault, and my ethiopian food loving friends were all satisfied.  They also claim that Rassela's is the most upscale ethiopian restaurant they've ever been in, which I can believe. I loved our server and the honey wine.  The jazz got a little too loud for dinner conversation by the end of the night, and I think I would have preferred that conversation to this particular jazz, but the (big) crowd seemed to really be digging it.
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