320 West Harrison Avenue
Guthrie, OK 73044
Logan County
Phone: (405) 260-0828
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Esther S. on
Decided to hold my birthday party here after hearing good things from a couple of friends.  Emailed them and reserved 2 tables (required $50 min bill each) and they called to confirm. Got there around 9:45pm and getting in and getting the tables went smoothly.  The place was big with multiple rooms which is nice to get different music/feels depending on your mood. The rest of the night was a blur since it was my birthday after all =P  But I had fun and so did my friends so yay!
by Ta Valli on
80's night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that will be the only reason i will go there.  FUN TIMES! the venue is really small, cramped, and old. the drinks were whatever. i believe it is cash only? BAD BAD BAD. the restrooms were DIRTTTYY and SMALLLLLL and there is always some kind of bodily fluid on the floor/sink. eww. but it was fun dancing and SINGING ALONG WITH FRIENDS!!!!
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